Saturday, March 21, 2009

OMG, OMG My FIRST Blog Post...

I feel like there is soo much pressure to write something super cool for the world to read! HaHa.

I've taken some time off to relax, seeing that I have a bit of a cold (NyQuil works wonders!). I FINALLY have time to create a blog of my very own, where I wish to share my own life experiences.

For someone with a cold I have been very productive today: watched Stanley Kubrick's 2001: space oddyssy via, went to Barnes & Noble to pick up Russell Brand's My Booky Wook, rearranged music on my iPod in which I realized 4Gs is just not enough, watched a Lifetime movie marathon based on Nora Roberts novels, oh and now I'm creating a blog, whoaooo!!

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